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43 163 bytes (42.15K)
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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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 -=-=-> mute <-=-=-> inferno grafitti <-=-=-=-=-=-=-> spineless jelly <-=-=-

                                 iN aUGUSt '96

                        ..nOTHING aT aLL cOMES tRUE..

                    ________  ____/___     .__    ________
                  .-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
                  |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
                  |   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /

                               oF tHA oNE 'N oNLY

                        aSCHKII - wHASCHKY wOOSEr cREw..

  ____      __          __      __          __          __          __
 |____|____|  \________|  \____| ,\________|  \________|  \________|  \__
 |  \________   /___   l____/ ______/________   /________   /________   /_
 |    |    |/     |   ___/|   \|      |    |/ _/  |    |/     |    l/     |
 l____l____|      |____|  l____|      |____|      |____|      |______ Sn  |
           l______|            l______|    l______|    l______|    l______|

                           mute  ·  the godfather

     __            __         __         ______  __         __         __
 ___/, l__________|  \_______|  \_______|  \___|/  l_______/  l_______/  |
 \_______   /_______   /_______   /__   l____/ |  ______/_   ______/_____|
   |   l/     |   |/ _/  | \__      |  ___/|   |  \|      |  \|      |   |
   l_____     |___|      |___|      |___|  l___|___|      |___|  Sn  |___|
       l______|   l______|   l______|              l______|   l______|

                                                     iNFERNo gRAFITTi

                          gIVEs yOu tHe oPPORTUNITy


                             cOOl oF wITh aNOTHEr

                         aSCHKIi bASCHKIi cOLLECTIOn

                             cONSPICUOUSLy nAMEd

   ______    ______    _____    ______    ______
  _\  ___)___\     )___\    )___\     )___\____ )___     .--. 
  \_______  /______,  /________/_______  /_  |_____/_    |<>| 
.--|     /   /     ____/   mute /    |/   /  l      /----|--'
|  |        /_       |         /_    /   /_        /_    |
|-.`---/_____/---/___|----/_____/---/_____/---/_____/    |
  |                               _____     ______    ___|__    ______
  |                              _\    |   _\____ )___\  ___)___\  ___)___
  `-    ----------------.        \_    |___\_  |_____/_______  /_______  /_
    sPINELESs         __|___      |    l    /  l      /     /   /     /   /
             jELLY    \   _/___   |        /_        /_        /_        /_
               .------>       /   `---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/
  .------------|-\    /____   <                              
  |               \\     /____\                              
--|        .___       _____     ____.       ____.       ____ __
  |        |   \______\    \____\   |     __\   |     __\   |  \__
  |  ______|     /_________  /__    |____/__    |____/_______    /_
--| /__    |      /     |_____/     l     /     l     /     |     /
  |  _\          /_     l     _          /_          /_     '    /_
  |  \______    __/_____    __/_____    __/_____    __/_____    __/
  |      /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|
  | \\-----.
  `--\     |---------.                           
--------/--'         `-----\    -|---.

                                                    gWOAFF ? wHAt ?

                                bUT A jELLY dOESN'T hAVE A sPINE ! uSUALLY.

                                                         oR dO tHEY ?

                this could prehaps be the preface, huh ?

         well.. and here we go again, huh ? another colly is here
        just to fade away.. without any noticing it.. without any
        missing it.. there is no mercy in the short and useless
        life of a binaryfile containing some weird and simple
        drawing that noone actually need.. so why am i doing this,
        when there's nothing to gain.. i don't know. am i bored ?
        do i have a life ? well.. i don't know.. but i sure hope
        that i'm actually alive. but how can i know ? noone knows..
         and sure not the binary-thing i'm now sitting in front of.

                                        mute^inferno grafitti

                 |     .-->what's here ?
1. iNtRODUCTIOn        |               |
2. sUm tEXt            |               |
3. aSCIi pARt1     .---|-.             |
4. aSCIi pARt2     `---' |             |
5. sUm tEXt ?            |         .---|-.
6. eNDPARt               |         |   `-'
                         |     - --|--.
-------|-----------------'            |
       | wEeEUYy.. iT's sIMpLe..      :    
       `-------------------------------- - 

                                        eVEn i cAn uNdeRStaNd iT...


                              iT'S aSCII tIME !!

                     enjoy and dislike. react and adore.
                                 it's simple

                                 ! pART oNE !

      dR. fEELGOOd    -  science             mUTEe           -  me ?
      fOOd            -  darktrooper         mICRo           -  micro
      sAINTs          -  purple haze         aLFa cENTAURi   -  micro
      pURPLe hAZe     -  purple haze         bUZz wIPe       -  buzz wipe
      sAINTs -diz     -  purple haze         cRYSTALs        -  buzz wipe
      sUBcONTINENt    -  the godfather       aRBOREa         -  buzz wipe

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       dR.fEELGOOd  _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

  .--------------------.   _______|  _______      -|---------------------.
  | running /X     .---'  _\_____ )__\_____ )_     ·                     |
   a1230 - 10mb ram |    /__   )/  /__    _ _/__      call..             |
 .     850mb space  |     _\   /     /_   |    /___         +47 784 74712|
 `---/  ---,        . \---\___________/___|_____/_/--\         _____ .---|--.
    //--. `---------|--\\---------'                   \\--------'    `---'  |
  ______   ______   ______   _____    ______   ______   ______   ______     |
 _\     )__\____ )__\____ )__\    |  _\__.  )__\____ )__\____ )__\____ )__  |
 \__   ______ |____/_  |____/_    |__\_  |____/_   \|  /_   \|  /_  )/   /_ |
.-|     ___/  l     /  l     /    l   /  l     /    |   /    |   /  /     /-'
| |       |        /_       /_mute   /_   /   /_       /_       /_       /_
| `---/___|---/_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/.
|    /\                                                                 ,--|-
`---/  \-------) sTAfF:             ...                         (------.    |
   /____\                                           ...   \.--------- `----'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        fOOd        _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                     \     /-----------------.
            ______.---\        .fOOd.       -|---------------.
    /---------' _____      _____       _____ `--   _____     |
    |       ____\    \_____\    \______\    \______\    \__  | .
    |      _\_      __________.   /_______.   /______._   /_ `-|
    .-----/__      _____/    \|    /     \|    /     |/    /---'
           _\         |mute   |   /_      |   /_     /    /_  .--.
        .--\______    |______    __/_____    __/_____    __/--|--'
        |      /______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   |
        `---\-               .--.           .  .--------------'
             \\--------------|--'         --|---'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        sAINTs      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                                                .--.        ____
         .---\  .-------------) saints (--------|   .-------\  /.-------.
       __|__  \\-' _____       _____       _____`---'____    \/--' _____|
   ____\    \______\    \______\    \______\    \____\   |_________\    \__
  _\_  _______/_______    /___________/_____._    /___   ____/__   _______/_
 /_______      /  __|/     /           /    |/     /     l     /_____      /
  _\    /     /_  \___    /_ mute     /_    /     /_          /_    /     /_
  \______    __/___/     __/_____    __/___/     __/_____    __/_____    __/
      /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|
         |                                _.      |                     |
         |      \\------->                \      -|---------------------'
         `-------\                         \\-----'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        pURPLe      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-         hAZe  \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                              - ---- ------ ------------.
             ______    ____.    ______    ______    ____|    ______
            _\     )___\   |____\___, )___\     )___\   |____\____ )___
       /\   \_______, /_  _|   /_   _   _/_______, /_   |   /_ |______/_
    .-/__\---|     ____/  \|    /   |     /     ____/   l    / l       /---.
    |        |       |         /_   |    /_mute   |         /_        /_   |
.-|-' ____     ______   ______   ______                 |             |
| |  _\   |____\____ )__\___  )__\____ )_ purple haze   |             |
`-|-/__   _  /__  __  /__  ____/__  |___/_              |---.         |
  |  _\   |   /_  \    /_  \    /_  l    /_             |   |---------'
  `--\____l____/________/________/________/-------------'   '

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        sAINTs -diz _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

_____________________________ ________
\_ __________ )___)_____ )_  |__  ____)_
_|___   /__|/  /_  /_ |/  /_ __/____   /_
\_  |    /\__   /   / |mute/ l   / |    /

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        mUTe        _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                  _____     ____.     ____.     _____
                 _)   /_____)   |_____)   |__  _)   /____
                /___      /__  _|   /__   __/_/________ /_
                 _\  | |  _/_  \l   _/_   l   _/_   l____/_

                               wOIIAh! iT'S aCTUALLY mE !! uNBELIEVABLe..

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       mICRo        _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-       (onl.)  \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

               `---------/                      -|-----.
          .-----.       //-----\ mICRo /---------' <---|----------.
        __|___     ______     ______     ______     ___|__        |
       _)    /_____)    /_____)    /_____)    /_____)    /____    |
      /___  .    /__________/___   .___/________, /______.   /_   |
       _\   | |  _/_  mute  _/_    |    /_    _   _/_   \|   _/_  |
          |           |  \\----------------------------|--.
         -|-------.   `---\      iS cominG tO yoU      |  |
          `-------|-----------\      sugarboY.     \---|--'
                  |                                    |

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_      aLFa cENTAURi _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                  _____     ____          _____      _____
              ____\    \____\   |_________\    \_____\    \__
             _\______    /__    |    /__      __________    /_
      .-----/__  __|/     /     l     /      _____/ __|/     /---.
             _\  \___    /_          /_ mute    |   \___    /_  -|--------.
      .      \____/     __/_____    __/_____    |____/     __/   |        |
------|----------/_______|---/_______|---/______|---/_______|----|        |-.
      | aLFa cENTAURi                                            |  .-----|-'
      |              +47 ?       - -- --------- --- -- ----------'  |
   ___|_    _____    _____    ____     _____    _____    _____    __|__
  _\    )___\___ )___\    )___\   |____\    )___\    |___\___ )___\    )___
  \_  |____/_ |_____/___._   /__  ___/______   /_   _|  /_  _  __/________/_
   |  l     / l      /  |/    /   l    / _|/    /   \l   /  |     /        /
   |       /_       /_  |    /_       /_ \__   /_       /_  |    /_       /_
      |                                                      ____   |
      `----------\                                           \  /   |
                  \\---------- \                        \ ----\/----'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        bUZz wIPe   _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                           .-------\ bUZz wIPe \---- -
        ____        ____   |      _____       _____
      __\   |_______\   |__|______\    \______\    \__        .---.
     _\_    |    /__    |    /_______    /_______    /_       |   |--.
 .--/__     |_    /    _|     /    _______/    _______/-------|---'  |
 |   _\     l/   /_    \l    /_    \(     _    \(     _       |      |
-|---\______    __/_____    __/_____    __/_____    __/-------|------'
 `-------/_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_______|--------'
                           |      ____.     _____   ______    ______
     .------------------.  |     _\   | .___\    )__\     )___\____ )___
     |                  |  `---.-\_   |-|  /_______/_______, /_  |_____/_
     |                  |------|--|   l l   /       /     ____/  l      /--.
     |          --------'      |  |        /_      /_       |          /_  |
     `-------------------------'  `---/_____/--/____/---/___|mute-/_____/  `-

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       cRYSTALs     _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                     .---------\                    ____
                     |          \\ crystals   \-----\  /----. 
 _____    _____    __|___    _____    ____     _____ \/ ____|    _____  
_\    )___\___ )___\     |___\  __)___\   |____\    )___\   |____\  __)___
\_  |____/_  _  __/_     l  /______  /__  ___/______   /_   |   /______  /_
 |  l     /  |     /-----.   /   )/   /   l    / (__    /   l    /   )/   /
 |       /_  |    /_     |  /_       /_       /_  |    /_       /_       /_
 `--/_____/--|_____/   ______/--/_____/--/_____/--l_____/--/_____/--/_____/
    .-----------/_______(--------.                          | 
   `-----------------|-----------|----\                     | 
                     |           |     \\-------------------'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       arborea      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

       .---------\  aRBOREA  \---------/
       |                              //-----\    group?     \-----.
   ____|_    ______    _____     ______    ______    ______    ____|_
  _\     )___\____ )___\    |____\_____)___\____ )___\____ )___\     )___
  \______   /_   _  __/_    |_  /_   |/   /_   _  __/_  |_____/______   /_
---|  _|/    /   |     /    l/   /   |     /   |     /  l      /  _|/    /---
   |  \__   /_   |    /_        /_        /_   |    /_        /_  \__   /_
       |                                                           |
       `--------------/                                            |
        +47 ? .. ..  //-------(           staff?                )--'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_      sUBcONTINENt  _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                         _____    ____       ____
                     ____\    \___\   |______\   |_____
    .---/           _\_   ______/_    |    /_    |   _/_   \\------------.
    |  /-      ----/________     /   _| mute/    |_    /----\            |
    |               _\    )/    /_   \l    /_    l/   /_     .  a4k040   |
 .--|-sUBcONTINENT--\______    __/____    __/____    __/-----| fastlane  |-.
 |  |                   /_______|  /_______|  /_______|      |  33.6k ---' |
 `--|--+47-578-24209-----'       inferno grafitti            | some stuff  |
 ___|_    _____    _____    ____         _____    _____    __|__    ____.--'
_\    )___\____)___\    )___\   |________\    )___\___ )___\    )___\   |___
\_  |____/_  |/   /______  /__  ___/____/______  /_ |_____/______  /__  ___/__
 |  l     /  |     /   )/   /   l    /   /   )/   / l      /   )/   /   l    /
 |       /_       /_   /   /_       /_  /_   /   /_       /_   /   /_       /_
    |                                                   |    |          |
    `----------\                                        `----|----------'
                \\                                      \----'

                              eND oF pART oNE ..

                                i do what i do

                            i have always done so
                              and will always do

                               and so will you

                                 ! pARt tWo !

        upload x2      -   micro          amiga warez      -   science
        download       -   micro          /X conf          -   science
        staff          -   micro          elite warez      -   none

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        uPLOAd      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

   ____._______________________        ____________________________________
 _/    |   ____________  _/    |______/   _._  ___________  _________   __/
 \     |_    \   _    /  \     |     \     |/    \     __ \  \     |/    \
  \_/  l/ ____\_/     ____\_/  l  ____\_/  l  ____\_/ (   ____\_/  /  ____\
   /_______/   /_______/   /_______/mute_______/   /_______/   /_______/

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        uPLOAd      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                                 .---------> uPLOAD <---------.
        _____     ______    _____|    ______    ______    ____|_
 -|-.___\    |____\     )___\    |____\_____)___\     )___\_____)_______.---
  | |  \_   _|   /_______, /_    |   /_   |/   /______   /_   )/   /_   |
  | `---|   \l    /      ___/    l    /   l     /  _|/    /   /     /---'
  |     |        /_       |          /_        /_  \__   /_        /_
  |     `---/_____/---/___|mute-/_____/---/_____/---l_____/---/_____/
  `------\                       |--//                        |
          \\---------------------'  /                /--------'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_        dOWNLOAd    _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

         \\--------------/ dOWNLOAd /------/
     .----\                               //---------------.
  ___|_    _____    ___      _____    ____     _____    ___|_    _____
 _\____)___\____)___\  | .___\    )___\   |____\____)___\    )___\____)___
 \_  l/   /_  |/   /_  |-|  /______  /_   |   /_  |/   /_____   /_  l/   /_
  |  /     /  l     /  l l   /   )/   /   l    /  l     / _|/    /  /     /
  |       /_       /_       /_   /   /_mute   /_       /_ \__   /_       /_
     |                                                     |
     `----------\\                   /---------------------'

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_         sTAFf      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

          _____     ____          _____       _____      _____
      ____\    \____\   |_________\    \______\    \_____\    \__
     _\_   ______/___   ____/________    /__     ______     ____/_
    /_________    /     l     /  __|/     /       ____/      ____/
     _\     )/   /_          /_  \___    /_ i^g    |          |
     \______    __/_____    __/___/     __/_____   |mute___   |
         /_______|   /_______|   /_______|   /_____|   /______|

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       aMIGa wAREz  _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

                    ____         \\---------------------.
        .-----------\  /----------\                     |
    ____|_    ______ \/ ______    ______    ______   ---|---aMIGA-----.
   _\     )___\     )___\     )___\___. )___\     )___  |      wAREz  |
   \_______  /__       /___________   |____/_______  /_ |             |
    |   \__   /  \_/    /         /   l_    /   \__   /-'   .---/     |
    |    /   /_   |    /_  mute  /_   _    /_    /   /_     |  //-----'
    `---/_____/---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/     `-------------.
        |             ____      ______    ______    ______    ______      |
        |            _\   | .___\     )___\____ )___\____ )___\___, )___  |
        `---/        \_   |-|  /_______  /_   _  __/_  |_____/_   _____/_ |
           //---------|   l l   /   \__   /   |     /  l      /   \     /-'
                      |        /_    /   /_   |    /_        /_        /_

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       eLITe wAREz  _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-               \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

      ______    _____     ______    _____     ______                   .
     _\____ )___\    |____\     )___\    |____\____ )___     - ------. |
     \_  |_____/_    |   /_________/__   ___/__  |_____/_         .--|-'
  .---|  l      /    l    /     mute/    l    /  l      /----/    |  |
  |   |        /_        /_        /_        /_        /_   //----|--'
  |   `---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/         |
  |                   ____      ______    ______    ______    ____|_
  |                  _\   | .___\     )___\____ )___\____ )___\___, )___
  `--eLITe--/        \_   |-|  /_______  /_   _  __/_  |_____/_   _____/_
           //--wAREz--|   l l   /   \__   /   |     /  l      /   \     /
                      |        /_    /   /_   |    /_        /_        /_

                                                   -.   -\-------\\
                              .--------- -spineless |-----\-jelly.-\----.
                /      -------|----.    ____._______._____  ._____   ___|__.
    __.--. |--./-----.       -'    |    \_  |_____ /_   _/  |   _/  _\  |  |
---/\_\--|-'  /_       /X-cONf      _____|  |   |___/_  |___|_  |___\____  |
   \/_/--`-azc²/---|-         guh!  \__  l  |_  lmute/  l  __/  l  __/  |  |_
   .  `-------/    `-----------------/______________________________________/
             /                                 | req. at  sUBcONTINENt  |
                                               `--------->+47 57824209<-'

              .---------------\  ami-express  /---------------.
              |     ______    ______    ______    ______      |
              |    _\__.  )___\_____)___\     )___\   __)__   |
----.         `----\_  |_____/_   |/   /_______  /_    ___/---'         .----
    `---/-----------|  l  mute/   l     /    )/   /      |--------------'
       /            |        /_        /_    /   /_      |
-----//             `---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/__|

                         tHAT'S iT ! nO mORE tO sEE ?

           /\______/\______/\______/\______/\____/\___   /\______
       <--/  \__  /_ \___ /_ \___ /_ \___ /_ \  /_ \ /__/  _____/_
   ·     /__   |___/_  _ __/_  |___/_  |/  /_____/_ ___/_______  /_
   |      /    |    /_ |    /_ l    /_ /    /_    /_ |mute/_  /   /_
              thESe aRe thE pARtiCIpANts iN tHe pROdUCtIOn..             ·

              the main actor is                                     
                                        mute^inferno grafitti           

              also starring..                                             
                                        godfather^inferno grafitti     

              inspiration sources
                                        my mind·my green wall

                 _                      .:::'
        ______  /(____     ______     .::%:'
        )__   \/   __(_____\     \'::::%%:::::'________
        _/          \     /_)     \':%%%:'        ____(
        )_____\/     \_____________)%%%:'   ':.  ___(________
              /  god! \           ::%%::::::::::.           /
             (_________)           ':::::::::::'-/_________(
        (  i  n  f  e  r  n  o  ·  g  r  a  f  f  i  t  i  )

             bear mESSAGEs to the most fruitless people.. what ?

                        nå må du faen se å bli aktiv da !! du bare sitter
                        der på ass'en og kikker på dårlige filmer og synes
                        du er sosial.. nei og nei.. utgi noe ! gjør basen
                        bedre ! gjør noe.. pliiiiiz.. hehe..
                        du skulle ha vore på underworld^leftfield !!

                        whey.. you're back.. again.. bra triks du hadde..
                        bare for å bli berømt.. hehe.. takk for lånet av
                        strøm forsyninga di.. ser nesten ut som at den
                        virker !! amazzzzing, you know.. med min intelligens
                        altså... hehe.. jaja.. sikringa røyk jo, men...
                        og det har klikka et par ganger... men.. hva faen 
                        gjør så det.. 

                        jaha javel ja.. så du sitte der og glor .. men tenk.
                        du fikk en liten messy fra meg og.. hmm, likte du 
                        spilla? du satt nok hele natta og lame'et litt ja..
                        din lamer ja ! hehe.. så det så.. hehe.. 

                        gabba.. yez.. nå er jeg oxo på internet.. kult eller
                        hva.. så nå skal jeg nok plage deg.. for det sa gud..
                        og det er meget alvorlig det.. hmm.. du har allerede
                        merket det ja.. hehe..

                                aND a hELLO tO


                       kEEP oN dOIN'.. eH ! yEA rIGHT ?

                              hOW tO rEACH mE ..

     oRDER aT tHESE bOARDS...
                               sUBcONTINENT    +47 57824209      tELNET
                               bUMBLE bEE lAND +47 66794789      tELNET
                               gENETIC wASTE   +47 33045192      tELNET

     oR gIVE mE a mESSY aT...
                               cHECKPOINT      +47 51593123      tELNET

                        and some other telnet boards..

                              A rIME aBOUT tIME

                              once uppon a time
                             there was this rime
                              about a little boy
                           loosing his precious toy

                            he cried and he cried
                       and no matter how much he tried
                         the toy was not to be found
                      but still, he kept looking around

                            the toy's disappearing
                             wasn't so surprising
                        he just walked a whole new way
                  and not guided by the boy's desperate pray

                           'come back, be my mate'
                       but the toy thought only of hate
                            so it was it's destiny
                            to be lost in eternity

                         the hate came from jealousy
                             of a rival 'nobody'
                              so to turn around
                         was not the option he found

                       this boy was then sitting there
                         sad after looking everywhere
                              but don't you wory
                         it's just another toy story

                                    cUTe !



                                        mum & dad


            eARLIER cOLLIES..

                                tERRIBLE wASTE oF wORDS
                                fIRST aSCENSION
                                fUTURE fASHOIN
                                fROZEN oRANGE pROJECT
                                nO eXUSES
                                tHE iNNER cORE oF mE
                                mARE sERENITATIS
                                oLYMPUS mONS

tHAT's aLL...

                   tHEN aGAIN.. tHE eNDING lINES hAVE cOME

              the ninth colly of mine is now finished.. it sure
                feels good.. to be off with this one i mean..
               and then it's just to begin collecting requests
                     and start over again.. hmm.. again..

               i really hope that some of you will use some of
                 the logos here.. or what ? you know, it was
               actually some of the meaning.. hehe.. so i guess
                  i'll see the result later then.. eh.. no..

                 another time it might have been so different
                       if only we could do it all again
                     but now it's another a fading memory
               out of focus, though the outline still remains..


                                  but then..

               lOOK oUT fOR tHE nEXT  mute  pRODUCTION cALLED..

                __________  _____. ___  _____       __________  __________
  __         ___)______  /__)__  |_  /__)__  |______)____._  /__)________/_
  \/         \__     |/   /_     l/   /_     |_  _/_   __|/   /_          /_
  /\   .----/__     _/     /     /     /     l/    /   \__     /   mute    /
     \ |                                                             |
      \|                       .-------\ dUBAi hAREm \---------------|--.
    ___|_.      ________   ____|___   ________   ________               |
  .-\_   l_____-\___._ /__-\____. /__-\_____ /__-\____. /__             |
  |     ___   /_  __|/   /_    _  __/_   |_____/_  |  |   /_            |
--|      |/    /  \___    /    |     /   l      /  |  |    /---------|--'
  `-/____l_____/____l_____/____|_____/__________/__l__l____/         |
                               |                                     | 
    wILl bE oUt sOOn eNOUGh!   `-------------------------------------'

                            oR wHAt ?

                           ..the future is ours..

and now the dIZzzz.. woooh !

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ________  ____/___     .__    ________
.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
|   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
----------.                          .--.
mute gives|----/ sPINELESs jELLy /---|--'
   you    |                          |

yezz.. nize enough.. eh ?

 -=-=-> mute <-=-=-> inferno grafitti <-=-=-=-=-=-=-> spineless jelly <-=-=-